Communication and Leadership Program (Basic Manual)

Public speaking is a active skill that cannot be learned simply by reading books or watching other people speaks. It is a skill that is best learnt by doing it yourself. To quote from Eleanor Rooselvt, "We gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience that we stop looking fear in the face. We have to do things that we think that we cannot do."

Although it can be scary for new beginner to talk to a group for the first time, you will be surprised by your progress each time you stand in front of the audience to speak. Very soon, you will be addicted to public speaking.
In a typical toastmasters club meeting, the audience consists of members of your toastmasters club, member(s) from visiting toastmasters club, and may be a few sit-in public guests. Our regular meeting is usually attended by 10 to 15 members. Club members, will act as the audience to support you.
In Toastmasters, new members will be given a manual, which is called "Communication and Leadership Program" manual, or usually called Basic Manual. It consists of 10 projects:
  1. The Ice Breaker Handling your nervousness when speaking in front of the audience.

  2. Organize Your Speech Structuring your speech so it is easy to understand.

  3. Get to the Point Speaking in a simple, easy to understand sentences.

  4. How to Say It Chooosing correct words, phrases and sentences to convey your message.

  5. Your Body Speaks Exploring your body language as a communication aid.

  6. Vocal Variety Making your speech more captivating and alive by utilizing vocal variety.

  7. Research Your Topic Honing your research skill to help you prepare a specific speech.

  8. Get Comfortable with Visual Aids Experimenting with visual aids and how you can further use it to enhance your presentation.

  9. Persuade with Power Bringing together all the 8 earlier lessons, you will attempt to persuade/influence the audience to take a specific action.

  10. Inspire Your Audience Bringing together all the 9 earlier lessons, you will attempt to inspire the audience. This new inspiration will lift the audience to a higher level of consciousness of a certain topic, such that they become more aware and decide their own action.

To quote from Napoleon Hill: "Don't wait. The time will never be just right." Start your projects now!